This imposing house (Bois des Moutiers near Dieppe) was designed by Lutyens so it’s not surprising that it looks as if it has been transplanted from just over the Channel. Given the odd arrangements of windows, chimneys and roof line, it’s strange that it looks, to me, so attractive. I wonder why? The garden (Gertrude Jekyll had a hand in it) is equally delightful with its many separate ‘rooms’ and, at the back of the house, a sweeping, plunging lawn which disappears into the woods. The woods themselves are beautiful and go down, down, down.. eventually reaching the sea. Lovely.
I accompanied Monsieur et Madame Millum on this visit to ensure they did not leave with a few seed pods secreted in their clothing . Monsieur Millum is accurate in his description but fails to mention the fragrant smells of the New Dawn Rose and the Orange Blossom flowers. Not that I could smell them but I was reliably informed by my wife and by M. et Madame Millum that their fragrance was exquisite – to say nothing of the perfume of the flowers