Mouse & Muse Blog
by Trevor Millum
An occasional series which I hope is of interest to friends and family. Feedback always welcome.

Arran and the Borders
This is not an aberration or a Photoshopped picture - the sun shone! And in spite of Scottish squalls, kept shining for most of the trip. Of course, there were castles; this one is Hermitage - very solid and near to nowhere. And there were distilleries. There are...

Faces and figures
The Kelpies stand 30 metres high in the flat Falkirk landscape. A mix of myth and heritage, the kelpies are shape-changing spirits inhabiting Scottish and Irish lochs and also a tribute to the tough workhorses who pulled the barges and carried out other hard work in...

Wheelbarrows Ahoy!
Sixty decorated barrows in Barrow. Children and adults showing their customary ingenuity, care and humour. The theme, in keeping with D Day was anything beginning with D though the theme is never mandatory. Here are some dolphins... The W I decided to go with Ducks...

Books to go!
An illustration from a book of Science Fiction art. The artist was imagining a city of the 21st century. How wrong can you be? Some city skylines can be hideous but not as awful as this one which the artist, presumably, thought was wonderful. And not a bit of green...

Wedding in Goa
'Wedding in Goa' isn't strictly accurate as the couple already got wed in USA as readers of this blog will know. However, this had a lot of the characteristics of a wedding, vows included... front of an expectant crowd and with sea and sunset behind them. Not...

Words…Pictures….Music, even!
One new venture, one updated project. 'Old Hal' aka 'Behold' was always waiting for the right artist to illustrate it and it turned out he was living just down the road. Steve Johnson's illustrations are classic and fit the dark story perfectly. In addition, I had...

Tropical Lincolnshire
Who'd expect the lushness of this garden in Lincolnshire? It just shows how a microclimate can be created in which these beauties not only survive and grow, but flourish. Some will be brought in during the winter but many are surprisingly hardy. The sun shone...

Barrow’s barrows
The 12th Annual Wheelbarrow Weekend just went by. My entry doesn't much like a barrow but it is one - or, at least, the remains of one. After the bottom rusted away all I was left with was a skeleton - and here he is with a few lotions and potions to tempt you. Oil of...

I was about to use the term 'picaresque' to describe these books but when I looked up the meaning just to be sure, it was defined as roguish or, at the very least, impish. I thought it meant a narrative which describes incidents in someone's life rather than a story...

Forgotten Heroes
One of the pleasures of sorting out / turning out is that you discover items you forgot you possessed. 'The Heroes of Asgard' published in 1952 has the look of a book of an earlier era. A hard cover with restricted colour and a font that signifies seriousness. On...
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