Gardens, gardens, gardens…

Gardens, gardens, gardens…

It’s been a good summer for gardens so far, notwithstanding a couple of periods of very heavy rain and some unwelcome winds. The photo above was taken at Helmsley Walled Garden: always a joy to visit but particularly resplendent in July. The cafe is very good...
The Poetry Guide

The Poetry Guide

In this slim volume is the lifetime’s experience and wisdom of Bernard and myself distilled from three decades of blood, sweat and fun in classrooms, school halls and libraries. The underlying message is that poetry is not there to be studied and dissected but...
How far to Forfar?

How far to Forfar?

Quite far, is the answer. But worth the journey. The Three Witches take pride of place – they, along with six other sculptures on a Macbeth theme, are to be found in the woods next to Glamis Castle. Not merely woods but a Pinetum with, we are told, the tallest...
Break Out!

Break Out!

The garden has been our refuge and solace over the past weeks / months. But on Wednesday we finally broke out of our cocoon and, like butterflies, migrated to Harlow Carr, where we landed safely. And, not quite by coincidence, there were our friends Pete and Beena....
April Flowers

April Flowers

Spring is no respecter of human problems. Here come blooms and blossoms by the branch and stem-load. The cherry in the front is laden and the crab apple trees aren’t far behind. Even the bay tree has lots of yellow flowers that I never noticed before. Tulips...
Nova Scotia revisited

Nova Scotia revisited

A happy return to Nova Scotia and Digby in particular. Pete and Pearl as hospitable as ever; Digby hardly changed – except they have a roundabout! Cause of much comment and serious reservations in the town… The new member of the family is Dylan (after Bob...

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