Surrey Hills

Surrey Hills

Too often Surrey is associated with boring commuter towns, traffic and suburban sprawl.  But there are other parts of the county which are beautiful. Some of the lanes through the North Downs are more like Devon roads with their overhanging branches and deep cuttings....
Return to Bowes Museum

Return to Bowes Museum

One of the many delights of the Bowes Museum is its collection of art. I’m ashamed to say that I can’t remember the artist who painted this but it’s just one of a really wide-ranging collection.  (See also the detail from one of the Canalettos,...
Galway, Mayo and Donegal

Galway, Mayo and Donegal

Difficult to choose pictures which represent such a varied trip. The west coast of Ireland is full of stunning scenery and this area, Dog’s Bay, is just one example. We were staying nearby, north of Clifden at a beach campsite in Renvyle. Not far from there is...


One of the most charming gardens we’ve seen. It’s called the Herbarium and it is in the old part of the town of St Valery sur Somme.  It’s approached along old stone walled lanes which have flowers growing between the walls and the roadway: rightly...
Barmouth, Harlech and the Lleyn peninsula

Barmouth, Harlech and the Lleyn peninsula

Look, here’s the train approaching Barmouth, on the coast of Wales. The line runs through some wonderful scenery and has made us think about a rail trip next time. Lots of small steam railways running inland from this line, too, though mostly closed until...
Old Lincoln

Old Lincoln

Faces near the entrance to the Choir at Lincoln Cathedral. Not saints – though maybe sinners, who knows? – these characters still look bright and mischievous after all the years that have passed since they were carved. They hint of the ‘other...

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