Whitby Chill

Whitby Chill

The Church at the top of the 199 steps is unusual in retaining its 18th Century box pews and its triple decker pulpit, from which the minister could see everyone as he preached his fire and brimstone, no doubt.  Today, though warmed a little by its ancient coke stoke,...
Arnside, Cumbria

Arnside, Cumbria

Above is the view from my bedroom at Ye Olde Fighting Cocks: a pleasant sight even early in the morning.  Luckily no cocks have been fighting here for some time, though a Rod Stewart impersonator created quite a racket last night. The wide open Kent estuary –...
Brighton Ahoy

Brighton Ahoy

The West Pier broods out to sea like some burnt out alien spaceship while the East Pier has the razzmatazz. Some stunning buildings along the front as well as some more recent monstrosities.  Back from the sea-front the Lanes provide a cornucopia (seems like the right...

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