How lovely to see the Market Place in use and full of people having some festive fun! Young and old (and in between) were there to listen to Barrow Band, sip some mulled wine or hot broth and appreciate some fancy costumes. Many thanks to the newly formed Barrow Rotarians for organising it – the first of many, we hope.
only moved here in august, lived on a farm with my wife and 2 children before here, loving this place, friendly warm people, the best move ive ever made and just magical for the little ones (as well as me ) last night.
Twas a good evening and as you say great to use the market place as a community. loved it. Is there a contact point for the Barrow Rotarians so i could send a thank you or enquire about the group.
Barton Rotary Club welcomes new members, men or women, who feel that they would like to help other people, both locally and internationally,put something back into our community and to have a lot of fun doing it!
The club has been serving Barton and the surrounding villages since 1977 and is part of the Worldwide Rotary organisation of 34,164 clubs in 210 countries, with a total of 1,223,083 members.
If you would like to help people, by joining Rotary we would be very pleased to hear from you.
You can contact us for more information,
by email –
Barton Rotary Club meets every Wednesday
at Bardney Hall in Whitecross Street 5.45 for 6.15
Barrow Rotary meet on a Wednesday evening at Barrow Squash Club 7pm or call in and see Roger Sargeant at Sargeants Butchers in Barrow.
We are currently organizing our new “Rotary Club of Barrow Meridian” website which will shortly be available
Sorry we couldn’t be there; very glad it went so well. I was in A&E but am recovering well. No worry.
I think the questionnaire is a good beginning. Thanks.
David Martineau
“The Rotary Club of Barrow Meridian” meet on a Wednesday at Barrow upon Humber Squash Club at 7pm. I am so pleased that the local people enjoyed the function and the Rotarians look forward to organising future events, so watch this space
Rotarian Cheryl
The Rotary Club of Barrow Meridian, a new Dual Gender Rotary Club based in Barrow Upon Humber would like to hear from anyone in the Village who have great ideas for fundraising. This year BARROW Rotary Club are welcoming new members, our numbers have reached nearly 40 making us one of the largest clubs in our area and our Charter night attracted over 200 guests.
Gone are the days when Rotary is seen as Overweight Business men in suits, this is “New Style Rotary” younger more Vibrant.
we can be contacted via our local members in Barrow, The Famous Roger Sargeant or email
Barrow Meridian Rotary RULES! It is fantastic!